Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sakit.. :(

"Ya Allah..!! tabahkan la atiku ini..."

aku xthu knpe ati aku ni sakit biler tgk die dgn org lain..!!wlupon it just only one pic!!!aduh..!!xkn aku still sygkn die kot..??ya Allah..!!tlgla hmbaku ni..tlglaa hilangkn prasaan kasih pd die..aku xthu knpe smpai skunk aku xleh time hakikat aku dh x dgn,xkn stu ari pon die xpasan yg aku still sygkn die..??knpe skunk die xcntct aku lg ek..??ape die mmg dh ade org lain..???

waaaaaaaaaaaaa...!!!aku xleh time klau die dh ade org lain..!!aduh..!!sakitnye hnye tuhan yg tahu..!!

Hmm..andai mase bole brputar kmbali..
just want to say that i still love you,sayang..
sy akn tnggu awk wlupon awk dh pegi..
sy akn smpan sume kngn kite wlupon awk dh semadikn kngn kite..

"You who left me, You who turned around
I pray that I can catch
someday I say you and I will be together
If you take me in then
I would run I would fly
If you came into my heart
then I would stay next to you like river water flows
If you came into my heart
Please hold my hand
Hug me for now
You leaving like a butterfly
wanna my heart up inside
don’t have to say goodbye bye
I can’t let you go..."