Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Gudbye...gudbye..and gudbye all of u..waaaa...!!!sodey tol den ari ni... :( ari ni topek 1 jun..pngkah10000x...tup3 dah 26 jun..mak oii..!!copek tol masenyo...aduh..!!tbo3 plk jo den raso takot..dlu bkn men excited lg nk poie..!!skunk ni xtdo lenaa den diwatnye...hmm...lps ni..sumenye baru...tempat bru...suasana bru..kwan baru...toilet pn baru...!!!uuuuu aaiii...!!!hope den dpt biasokn diri den ni hah..!!dhla xponah dok hostel..!!(...stkt 2 3 ari uh ponah rr...huhuhuu...)

uitm melake...oooo uitm melake..lps ni,sumenye akn brubah..!!!memories and friendship..!!!tmsok gak rr den ponyo sikap ni hah..!!hm...n lps ni gak my favourite television shows (..amek ko..!!ponoh den tlis hah..!!heheheh..) pn tpkse den tnggalkan tok bljr rjin4 n cpai cita3 den..oh gossip girls season 3!! (..bru strt smlm..!!season bru uuu..!!...) the vampire diaries..!! ( g strt..!!hehhehe..) n chuck..!!cite yg mmg aku mnat giler..!!smpai trpngroh lah dwtnye..!!n ade gk aku berngan nk jd agent cm dlm cte CHUCK ni..!!agent fieza joe..!!!wah..!!sodap4..!!!pgg pistol..!!brtmbok mntng jenayah..!!peng4...!!buish4..!!wah..!!!(..arp jd knytaan..!!hihihihih...)hm...makkk..!!tlg tgkkn cite uh nnt yek..!!lps uh,story kt angah aw..!!nnt tiap4 mnggu angah blik..hehheeh...

jom tgk..!!hero die hnsem..heheheheh...

comedy + action = best..!!! :D