Saturday, May 29, 2010

UiTM tetap di hati... :)

Hai sume..hihihihihihi...

ari ni xde tlis byk naa..cume ari ni aku nk share my happiness..!!alhmdullah..xsngka tol aku ari ni...series..!!aku apy sgat4..tup5..xsngka aku dpt srt twrn g mtrx tok 2nd intake...huhuuhuh..:) dftr akhr bln mei ni..n kwn aku,c tya siap tnye..."ko dpt xmtrx..??" ceh..!!cm thu3,aku dh wt plhn..kptsnku mktmd!!aku still ttap mmilih Uitm..Uitm di hatiku..!!wah..!!,slmt tnggal KMNS..!!!n wait 4 me uitm melake..!!excited den hah nk msok..!!tnggo jola smpai 26.6 ni..

k la..nk smbong tngok kL drift tok kali kdua...bye.. :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Setia menunggu...

(trgemrk shahir)

sblm aku mmulakn cite psl blog aku ni..aku nk amek ksmpatan tok mngucapkan thniah kpd SHAHIR krn mnjd juara dlm AF8 ari sbtu ari uh..(..apsal ayt aku cm skema je ni??...) time aku tgk sblom diummkn spe juara AF8,muke shahir mmg pucat giler...n yg plg aku suke,time daus diummkn tmpt ketiga..die cm thu4 je dpt no3..mmg klkr rrr glgt,btw thniah la dcpkn kpd 5 finalis AF8..korng pnye pr4mnce mmg best..!!

..jUara AF8...

..aKu miNat Daus..fUnnY!!... :D

back to title of my blog...'setia menunggu' bkn refer psl tnggu pkwe k o smthng else..but, 'setia menunggu' ni bkaitn psl 26.6 ni..maaakkkk...!!!lmbtnye msok uitm mlke ni...!!huh..!!apsal la xmsok awl cm dk asasi..??kn best...!!aku dh excited giler nk msok ni...tgk video3 psl MMS..pic uitm ag..perrggghhh...!!!excited4...!!heheheh...lgpn aku dh borink giler dok umh ni..masak,bsoh bju n keje umh bkn nye aku wt pn..yg aku wt stiap ari,men fb..x fb,myspace...x myspace,blog ni hah..!!huh..!!borink giler..!! (,apsal aku bkk rhsia aku ni..??aduh..!!!kntoi aku pmls..!!hhihihih...)

Uitm Di Hatiku...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fed up...

Aaaaaaa.....!!!geram lak ai aku ari ni..!!!tnsion...!!huh!!!

aku bkn ape..aku geram ckit dgn 'kawan' aku sorng ni..!!kes ni mmg xbsar,geram sgt dgn skp 'die' beb..!!

meh aku story ckit...

aku mmg xkesah 'die' uh nk tiru k.. die nk same dgn aku k..whateverla..!!aku mmg ikhlas nk tlg 'die' uh..!!smpai die soh tnggu pn,aku yg lurus ni pn tnggu..!!pkir kwan beb..!!(..kwan k...??..) tp,yg wt aku geram psl die ni..bnde ni aku mmg xthu..!!siap aku tnye akk aku byk kali..."akk??cm ne ni..??" akk aku ckp,tekan4 je..nnt kuar rr bnde uh..aku pn ckp rr die cm uh...tup5..!!respon die ckp,"xpela klau xnk..!!" aduh.!!cara die ckp cm aku xnk tlg die..!!hah!!e2 yg nek kpntngan aku uh..!!dhla xucpkn time kseh..!!lps uh,men bla je cm uh..!!n then,nk tacing3 plk kt cni..!!huh..!!lntak ko rrr...!!aku pnat3 tlg 2 ko bls kt aku..!!hm..ske ati..!!

so,moral values yg aku nk tkankn ckit:
  1. sllu rr ucp thnkz kt orng even it just a simple thing..!!!bio org hrgai korng ckit.. :)
  2. pkr prssan org len..jgn hnye nk 'selfish' o lbh sng,pntngkn diri..!!
  3. jgn nk sllu tacing lbh3..!!org bole bosan!!!

Uitm Alor Gajah,Melaka...


cewah..!!siap bg lame xupdate blog ni..(...pde hal xsmpai smggu pn...) alhamdllah...hdop aku skunk so far so good rrr..tnggl sbln g je aku akn brsame dgn kluarga aku...opss..!lupo lak ni g thu...alhmdullah...aku dtwrkn dlm dip sains kuantitatif d Uitm Alor Gajah,Melake...


...piNtu mAsoK Uitm Alor Gajah,Melaka...

...tAsik...?? :0

..LibRAry... :)

..dAlam LibRAry...

mmg xsngka rrr...biler aku tgk je pic ni..perrggghhh!!!excited giler aku...aduh..!!biler la 26.6 ni...!!lmbt nooo...!!kwn2 aku yg len sume dh msok..tnggal aku je terkontng kting sorng4..huhuhuh....and xlupo..!!aku jmpe gak kwn yg skepale dgn aku..alhmdllh la...sumenye same..mnx3la bilik pn same nnt... :) die dok semban..(..akk die rr...heheheh..)gile3 cm aku..kos pn same...cun gk..(..spe yg kwn dgn aku,die mmg cun..!!hihihihh...)tp,die lg pndai rrr dr aku...skol mrsm.. :) pe2pn hope kite same2 smpi k dgree nnt yek sya!!see you in melake...!!

...sya... :D

...cUN cm aKU... :)

wlupon kos ni 2nd choice aku...aku akn stdy smart 1st choice aku,,nk wat cm ne..aku xdpt..sdey sgat3..!!smpai skunk aku mnyesal giler..!!nyesal xstdy sbjek english botol4...!!arpkn sej A+ tp english trok wt pe...!!!mmg btol ckp org,sesal dhulu pndpatan..sesal kmudian tiada guneye...!!ape2pn aku redha..sbb aku ykin ape yg Allah tntukan kt aku,mgkin ade hkmahnye... :) ya Allah..pmdhknla sgle ursan ku d dnia akhrt..umi,abh...maafkn angah sbb mngewekn umi ngan abh...doakn angah xkira dlm bidang pe yg angah cburi...

hrpn aku kali ni..aku nk stdy rjin4 trutme sbjek english..!!arp aku brje nnt... :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Miss this moment..

..sEsi bErgaMbar 'pAnaS'..

8 mei!!!tarikh yg mengukirkan kembali kenangan manis dlm memori hidop aku.. knangan yg x pnah lekang n dipenuhi gelagat 'kanak3' yg xmatang..!!hahahahha...pda hal dh nk msok u dh reunion batch form 3 skol aku mmg best..!!gempak n hav fun!!even timbul byk masalah,we still fun!! :D thnkz kpd UMI,PAAN (bdk poyo giler),SHIDOT n kpd ssiape yg mnjyakn this reunion..!!aku mmg xdpt lupakn kngan ni..!!miss you guys..!!hope kite same2 brjaya mncpai cita2 kita..!!yg pntng skli,msing3 kwen jgn lupo ajk aku.!!hahahah...

aku slitkn pic3 'happy'..

..pAan(leader) a.k.a bUdak pOyo bg tAkLimat... :p


..sELesai rEunIon...

..Budak 'mAtuRe'...

..gaYa tArzan.. :D

mmg seronok sgt biler bjmpe kwn lame blik wlupon 2 thon bpsh..!!time reunion uh yg plg ak nk jmpe ialah AFIFAH..die ni mmg best student skol aku time form 3 yg aku mmg respect giler kt,fifah!!hope ko brjye dlm hdop k n cpai cita2 ko sbg doc mte..!!aku hrp gk ko akn g k luar ngre nnt..!!(..nk cndermta dr oversea..!!...)aku sntiase doakn ko..!! syg ko...!!(..pergghhh...!!ayat..!!heheheh...)

..afifah(tdung biru)...

and,smpat gk posing like model after reunion(tya me)... :)

tp,aku ingatkn renion ni xde ckp blkg..!!mmg fun habis..!!tup3..ade bek rr kwn aku g thu..huh!!yg aku herannye,time reunion uh mmg die fun giler..!!snyum melerek..!!!ketawa hak3 smpai kuar kahak!!tp,biler blkg kteorg,huh..!!perrgghhh!!!pjak semut xmati..ade k die ckp cm ni 'klau bole,utk event akn dtg...plih rr AJK yg btol3 mahir n bpnglmn utk hndle mjlis ni..bkn ape..spy ape yg kite inginkn bsme dpat dlaksanakn..!!' aduh..!!xpyh de ckp cm uh..klau nk ckp,ckp rr dpn3..cian aw AJK yg bssh pyh wt reunion ni..!!

hm..xpela guys..!!bio kn je org nk ckp cm uh..yg pntng skunk,5 thun akn dtg..korng wt rr reunion yg gmpak3 k..sume wjib dtg..!!spe yg lps pntng uh,kne dtg gk..hahahah..just,thts all 4 today..n again,thnks a lot kpd phak3 yg wt reunion ni..luv u guys..!!hope kite sme2 brjye dlm hdop msg3..!! adios...

...tHe eNd...

I forgive you but never forget...

Hmm... :'(

hukhuk...nothing to say...but,sblom aku lupo..HAPPY TEACHER DAY kpd ckgu3 yg xjemu ngajar aku yg agk 'talkitive' ni..!!hehehhehe...biasak rr..bdk bajet..!!! :) ape2pn thnkz a lot cz even byk kngn pahit bbnding kngn manis wktu skol dlu(...ade 'someone' yg ckp aku gedik!!xthu rr npe..!!jeles kot dgn aku...huhuhuh...)tp,itu xmmbuatkn aku pth smngat tok brjuang dlm spm 2009 dlu!!alhmdllh...result spm aku baik..!!thnkz a lot ckgu..!!cayunk ckgu..!!!muahhhh... :D and xdilupekan kpd kwan aku yg sejak dari skol rndah g n akn same u nnt(..wlaupn laen kos..)..SITI NURFADHLLAH..!!a.k.a BUDAK KECIK..!!apy bzday yunk!!smg pjg umo..!!!aku still dpat buli hang g..hhihihihhi...

..bUdak kEcik..

bebalik kpd tjuk blog aku ari ni,hm...nthla..ari ni tbe3 aku sdey sgat3..sbb teringat plk org yg aku penah yg aku syang ggiler...!!huh!!biler kenang blik ape yg die wat kt aku..die sngat romantik..die sllu ckp kt aku uh ayat yg 'cair' 'I love you,sayang..!!'..'I miss you,dear..!!..'take cre baby..!!' huh!!peerrggghhhh....!!!ayat!!!mmg omong kosong..!!klau aku thu die menkn aku mase aku tergerak ati nk tgk pic die...tup3..die gurlz len...ish!!geram tol!! #@$^$*^%#$@&$@#&*..!!!(...bhse UFO!!..)

knpe yek die layan aku cm uh sdgkn die thu die dh ade org len..??why..???knpe..??hm...mmg salah aku gk rrr sbb cpat naa cye kt org cm uh..!!tp kn,cara die uh mmbuatkn aku 'syok sndiri' aw..ish.!!mmalukn diri aku je...huh!!

ape2pn lps ni,aku mmg dh xnk da libatkn diri aku dlm bab3 'fall in love' cm ni...mmg mnyakitkn ati je..nnt biler aku dh besar,hope aku dpat laki yg cm cite adamaya uh...!!romntik beb..!!sweet sgt..!!i like..!!!hihihihih..(...nk soh prents aku crikkn jodoh aku nnt..)klau aku dpat uh,mmg xmkn pn xpe..!!!so,dh mlm da ni...otak pn dh blenk..!!xthu nk taip,gd nite sume...adios... :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If we ever meet again

What is somebody like you doin' in a place like this??

Say did you come alone or did you bring all your friends?
Say whats your name? What you drinking?
I think I know what are you thinking..
Baby whats your sign,
tell me yours and ill tell you mine..
Say What is someone like you doin' in a place like this?

I'll never be the same..
If we ever meet again...
Won't let you get away...
If we ever meet again..
Thiss freefall's got me me so..
kiss me all night...
don't ever let me go...
Ill never be the same..
if we ever meet again..

Do you come here much?
I swear I've seen your face before...
You don't see me buch..
but I cant help to want you more more...
baby tell me whats your story?
I ain't shy, don't you worry..
I'm flirting with my eyes..
I wanna leave with you tonight..
do you come here mush?
I've gotta see your face some more..
(some more Cause baby I)

I'll never meet again..
If we ever meet again..
Won't let you get away...
If we ever meet again...
Thiss freefall's got me me so...
kiss me all night..
don't ever let me go..
Ill never meet again..
if we ever meet again...

If we ever meet again,
Ill have so much more to say..
(Say if we ever meet again)
If we ever meet again, again...
I wont let you go away...
(Say if we ever meet again)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Budak baru belajar... :)


haluuu...hehhehe..aku budak bru blajar..blajar pe..??bljr wt blog rrr..hmm...heboh naa nk blog..!!biasak la..bdak bru nk matang kn..opss..!!lupo lak nk konalkan diri name is nurafizah fatinah..a.k.a fieza joe o dato' citi urhaliza (..nk pasan jp..hehheheh...) ataupn geng3 aku pnggl aku JOE rr yg plg senang..(pd hal 2 me bapak aku...huh..!!terok tol dieorg ni..!!terutame c SHIDOT uh...!!sko naa pnggl den cm uh...)

ape2pn aku apy rr sbb wt blog dari titik tgn aku sndiri...yela...sblom3 ni,ym pn soh akk aku mail pn kwn aku wt kn..ish3..mmg buta IT tol aku,hope korang enjoy rr bace cite blog aku ni..heeeeh..

~hAv fUn~